Saturday, February 9, 2008

I don’t like animals (in real life).

Yes, I know I am a enthusiast and on more than one occasion my yearly calendar has been of some kind of fuzzy critter or furball (sheepdogs anyone?) but I am coming to grips with the fact that I just don’t like animals. I probably will never own a pet again (two parakeet and a hamster was enough for a lifetime) and I don’t really like touching pets whether they are cats or dogs here. They just seem dirty and stinky to me. Is that so wrong? I only am realizing while I am here in Bolivia since my exposure to pets up until this point has been very limited. I guess indoor cats are the least offensive to me (Sarah, don’t worry, I’m not going to drown your cat) but in general I try to stay away from dogs. I’m trying to be nice to Pat’s dog, Rumi, while she’s still in the States but I just don’t like the way they jump all over you and the feeling that you need to wash your hands right after you touch them because you know they’ve been chewing on something foul right before they licked you. When I first arrived in Tarata, there was a moment of insanity when I thought I might get a dog for companionship, but that flash of stupidity has passed. I am working on accepting the idea that I just might be the biggest sissy that the Peace Corps has ever seen. And I’m quite alright with that.

1 comment:

Mama Peanut said...

clearly you are just delusional from being away for so long...i'll turn you in to a real life bunny lover!

hm, that sounds kind of odd...oh know what i mean!